Stormwater Management

Flooding of Bolin Creek at Winmore neighborhood June 23, 2023
Flooding at Winmore neighborhood June 23, 2023

An example of preparing for climate resiliency and equitable outcomes is taking a bird’s eye view on stormwater across Carrboro. It might not sound sexy but it should be central to the planning process since extreme storms are now the “new normal”. Many people in Carrboro are already experiencing flooding and it’s only going to get worse if we don’t address it holistically now. Here are some ways we could be protecting Carrboro’s current and future residents:

  • Implementation of surety bonds—a common practice that Carrboro does not currently follow. This provides a safety net for homeowners and the town if the development site doesn’t match specifications.
  • Constructing stormwater ponds capable of withstanding 50-year or 100-year storm events.
  • Preserving existing trees to minimize erosion and maintain the creek’s ecological balance.

It’s time for our infrastructure to keep pace with our growth. With more responsible stormwater management practices we can safeguard our creek, protect our neighborhoods, and create a sustainable future for all. 

Community & Infrastructure

April Mills organizes an event for Claremont and Winmore friends on the last day of school!
Communities where we can all live, work, and play

I’m committed to making equitable improvements in our community through infrastructure like public transportation and parks & recreation. I will do that through better connectivity, safer transportation, and enhanced accessibility for all residents.

We must expand our bus system and improve all bus stops with consistent infrastructure and design. I want to make sure traffic in neighborhoods is safe and that infrastructure encourages walking and cycling.

We need to listen to concerns affecting many people like flooding and traffic speed. I believe a solution is to expedite the current petition process allowing communities to advocate for themselves.

We all want to improve housing affordability. Multiple approaches must be achieved to help with the future growth of the Triangle, like:

  • Identifying land to purchase or working with a current owner to create a public/private partnership.
  • Requiring a linkage fee for developers to build the Town’s Affordable Housing Fund, which pays for new income-restricted housing. This is common in other high-growth cities like Austin, Denver, and Boston.
  • Continuing to partner with Community Home Trust.
  • Aligning public transportation with affordable housing.
  • Focus on building for mixed-use development.

A Sustainable Future

April Mills believes in sustainable infrastructure for Carrboro

People need equal access to technologies that reduce dependence on fossil fuel use in homes and transportation. These technologies include rooftop solar, battery storage, electric vehicles (EVs) and convenient home EV charging stations. The Carrboro Comprehensive Plan aims to achieve 80% reduction in municipal emissions by 2030. This will not be possible if new construction adds to the greenhouse gas emissions budget instead of embracing these technologies.

Another goal of the Comprehensive Plan’s Climate Action pillar is to expand equitable and inclusive community participation in the decision-making and implementation of climate change goals and policies. I look forward to working with all of Carrboro to achieve great progress on our sustainability goals.

Accountability Always

April Mills and her family in Carrboro

I will work diligently to ensure that all voices are heard and that our local government is accountable to the people it serves. I will use a cost/benefit analysis for every measure that comes before me, evaluating the potential impact and weighing the cost against the benefit of every decision. With this thoughtful approach, I will ensure responsible choices that best serve our community’s interests. Council needs perspective and life experience. I bring a range of relevant experience:

  • Leadership North Carolina graduate
  • Seven Inter-City Trips with the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce
  • North Carolina Economic Development Association member
  • Two decades of active involvement in the Triangle community and named one of the Triangle’s Top Women in Business.
  • Service on multiple Nonprofit Boards including the Red Cross
  • Two decades of active involvement in the Triangle community and named one of the Triangle’s Top Women in Business.Four years serving Claremont HOA, addressing stormwater and compliance issues
  • Possess an MBA
  • Represent voices in a mixed-use design neighborhood
  • Parent of children in CHCCS public schools

Join The Movement to Ensure That Carrboro is Planning for a Sustainable Future